Mama's Postpartum Box
The most common phrases we hear are "where were you back then?" or "I wish I had these!". Hence why we have developed a solution for the need.
Mama's Postpartum Box is curated by a mom for moms to address postpartum care needs.

Sitz Bath
What new mama wouldn't love to soak in a tub? Even more, it's another way for her to care for her undercarriage and calm those new mama nerves. Bonus, it allows her the opportunity for time alone in her very own oasis. Every mama could use more of that!

Mama's Postpartum Hospital Bag
Every mom packs a bag for delivery day. Now, she gets start her postpartum recovery on the right track by packing Mama's Postpartum Hospital Bag with her delivery day essentials. Postpartum care essentials - no matter where she delivers. Mama's Postpartum Box in travel size!